Liposuction Columbus Ohio

Liposuction Columbus Ohio

No matter how well you eat or how hard you exercise, you may find that some fat is impossible to lose. Even some slender and young people have a hereditary disposition to fat that does not truly reflect the fitness of their bodies. For all of these people, liposuction may be the answer—and surgeons Dr. Houser and Dr. Kraft of Columbus Cosmetic are the ideal people to provide it.

Liposuction at Columbus Cosmetic

Liposuction at Columbus Cosmetic

Also called suction lipectomy or liposculpture, liposuction is a body-contouring surgery that uses suction to remove pockets of fat from under the skin. By removing fat, liposuction also shapes and contours the treated area, giving patients a more toned appearance.

Because the surgery uses small incisions in the skin, there is very little external scarring.

Liposuction Treatment Areas

Liposuction surgery can be performed on almost any area of the body, particularly those that do not respond to changes in diet and exercise. These areas include, but are not limited to, the chin, neck, chest, upper arms, abdomen, flanks, and thighs. Liposuction helps to give patients the smooth, contoured results that they desire in a variety of treatment areas. During your consultation at our office in Columbus Ohio, your doctor will help you to determine the best and safest options for your liposuction procedure.

Liposuction Treatment Areas
Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL)

Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL)

Dr. Houser and Dr. Kraft typically use a device called Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL®) by MicroAire, which is designed for small or large volume fat extraction and body contouring. This form of liposuction uses a thin tube that moves back and forth at a high speed, creating a vibration that enables the surgeon to remove fat from larger areas more quickly and easily. If you have had liposuction before, or if you have large amounts of fat that need to be removed, power-assisted liposuction may be the solution. Regardless of the liposuction procedure you undergo, our plastic surgeons have both the extensive experience and the latest in state-of-the-art technology to give you the figure you’ve been after.

Liposuction and VASERlipo®

Although traditional liposuction and PAL are the most common liposuction procedures performed in our office, Dr. Houser and Dr. Kraft may sometimes use a technique called VASERlipo®, a minimally invasive procedure that precisely and efficiently removes unwanted fat. An alternative to the techniques of traditional liposuction, VASER® liposuction uses state-of-the-art ultrasound technology designed to gently reshape your body. Like traditional liposuction, VASER® liposuction targets only the fat in the treatment area.

What distinguishes the procedure is that the VASER® system uses an advanced technique to liquefy the fat before removing it from the body, giving patients smooth results that take less time to heal. VASER® liposuction may be beneficial for patients who have areas that are more difficult to address with traditional liposuction, including areas that have previously been treated with plastic surgery or areas with more scar tissue. However, traditional liposuction and PAL are both highly effective procedures to treat excess fat. Your surgeon will determine which technique is best for you based on your unique body, needs, medical history, and goals.

Surgery Specifics

Surgery Specifics

Before your liposuction surgery, you will be given local anesthesia (applied to the surgical area) so that you do not feel any pain during the plastic surgery procedure. The technique used by your surgeon will depend on your treatment goals, treatment areas, and whether you have previously undergone a liposuction procedure. Generally, your surgeon will make small incisions in your skin before inserting a suction device into the fatty areas between your skin and muscle. Your surgeon will then use the device to break up or liquefy fat, and after removing it, they will close up the surgery site with stitches. Your specific procedure will depend on the type of liposuction you are undergoing, but each step of the process will be tailored to suit treatment areas.

Preparing for Liposuction

Your surgeon will give you instructions on how to prepare for your liposuction surgery, as well as instructions for postoperative care. You may need to follow certain dietary restrictions, take (or avoid taking) certain medicines and vitamins, undergo lab testing, and stop smoking before your plastic surgery procedure. It is important to discuss your expectations, medical history, and any medical conditions with your surgeon so that they have enough information to perform the plastic surgery safely and effectively.

Preparing for Liposuction
Liposuction Recovery

Liposuction Recovery

It is likely that you will experience some swelling, bruising, and pain following your liposuction procedure. Your surgeon will speak with you about how to care for your surgical site, whether medication may be beneficial, follow-up appointments, and more to ensure a healthy recovery. They might give you medication after surgery, as it can help to minimize pain and lower your risk of developing an infection. However, medication is not required for recovery from liposuction.

Most patients also wear compression garments for a few weeks after liposuction surgery to reduce swelling. While every patient is different, some may opt to receive wellness treatments such as massage therapy to ease any soreness that occurs after surgery. You will likely be able to return to work within a few days after your procedure, and after about six weeks, you will be able to resume regular physical activity. If you follow your postoperative care instructions properly, the final results of your plastic surgery should be visible within a few months. You’ll be left with reduced fat and a more contoured body.

Liposuction Results

Although liposuction is not the same as a full-body lift surgery, liposuction can help to create a more contoured overall appearance. Columbus Cosmetic patients from Ohio and beyond rave about their liposuction experiences and results at our practice.

The results of the plastic surgery are considered permanent because your body cannot grow new fat cells to replace those that are removed during plastic surgery. While skin tends to lose some firmness as people age, liposuction results can last for a long time if you are able to maintain your weight and lead a healthy lifestyle after your procedure, leaving you with a sculpted look and greater confidence for years to come.

The Benefits of Liposuction

Liposuction offers patients many benefits, and it is a relatively simple plastic surgery to undergo and recover from. It is one of the safest and most effective ways to remove fat, as it only addresses fat and permanently eliminates fat cells in the treatment areas. While liposuction is not a weight loss surgery or a treatment for obesity, it is useful for removing unwanted fat deposits that are difficult to lose through diet and exercise alone. For these reasons, it can also be beneficial for male patients with gynecomastia, a condition that leads fat to accumulate under a man’s breasts. Patients who undergo liposuction at Columbus Cosmetic are satisfied with their results, as the plastic surgery improves their appearance and helps to boost their self-esteem.

Liposuction Results
A Full Body Lift

A Full Body Lift

Liposuction is different from other contouring procedures such as the full-body lift because it specifically targets fat, rather than surplus skin. Removing fat with liposuction will not cause the skin to lift or shrink, so some patients may be left with loose skin if they receive plastic surgery on larger areas of their body, such as their stomach, buttocks, and thighs. To treat excess skin, contouring surgery such as the full-body lift can be used to lift sagging skin and provide a more comprehensive lift to the body.

At Columbus Cosmetic, we provide a number of plastic surgery procedures to help patients meet their goals. Liposuction is frequently performed alongside other lift surgeries such as a breast augmentation, breast lift, tummy tuck, and/or lower body lift. Patients seeking a reduction in excess skin as well as fat removal will be able to discuss their needs with their provider during the initial consultation. The consultation offers every patient an opportunity to explore their plastic surgery options and determine the best procedure, or combination of procedures, that will prioritize their wellness and help them to achieve their desired look. To learn more about our range of plastic surgery options, contact us today or visit our Body procedures page for more information.

Candidates for Liposuction

Liposuction is a highly personalized procedure, so our team at Columbus Cosmetic takes great care to ensure that each patient is a healthy candidate for liposuction before performing the surgery. You may be a good candidate for liposuction if you:

  • Have an average or slightly above-average weight
  • Have firm skin with some elasticity
  • Have pockets of fat that do not respond to diet and exercise
  • Are in good overall health
  • Do not smoke
  • Have realistic goals for the outcome of your procedure
  • Can dedicate a few weeks of recovery time after surgery

Patients with blood flow or circulation issues, such as diabetes, coronary artery disease, or a weakened immune system, should not undergo liposuction surgery. It is also crucial to remember that liposuction is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle and should be approached with realistic expectations. Your surgeon will evaluate your qualifications, needs, and goals before determining whether liposuction is right for you so that you receive the best possible care.

Candidates for Liposuction
Plastic Surgeons You Can Trust in Columbus Ohio

Plastic Surgeons You Can Trust in Columbus Ohio

Liposuction is a proven method to enhance body contour and achieve patients’ desired aesthetic goals. Whether used as a standalone procedure or in combination with other techniques, liposuction has helped many patients to regain confidence and attain a more sculpted appearance. Although there are limits to the amount of fat that can be safely removed, Dr. Houser and Dr. Kraft can assist you with your decision about potential areas for contouring, anticipated results, and the recovery process. Both doctors are highly qualified to perform liposuction, VASER® liposuction, and power-assisted liposuction, and they will ensure that you receive individualized care to suit your unique needs.

For years, Dr. Houser and Dr. Kraft have been providing award-winning services to patients. Their skills, experience, and empathy help patients to feel comfortable no matter the procedure or treatment they select. They will listen to you and provide feedback about the most safe, realistic, and effective options for you. Additionally, our practice’s wide variety of surgical and nonsurgical techniques ensures that every patient who chooses us receives the care and results they desire.

If you are interested in learning more about liposuction at Columbus Cosmetic, or if you have any questions about the procedure, please contact us at (614) 890-5565. We will help you to schedule a consultation so that you can begin your journey to greater confidence.

Five-Star Review
I can not say enough wonderful things about Dr. Houser and his staff! Kind, friendly, professional. His work is flawless. I had liposuction to get rid of my double chin and it turned out better than I expected. I will only go to Dr. Houser should I decide to have another procedure.

Heather R.

Five-Star Review
Dr. Kraft is an amazing and professional surgeon! His work and personality is way above all other surgeons in his profession. He is the most kind, caring and an absolute perfectionist. My husband and I were so happy with him and the results of my surgery! He is at the highest level of a surgeon!

Anne P.

Five-Star Review
I have always had a double chin, even when I’m at my ideal weight. I recently went to Dr. Houser for liposuction on my chin and neck. The results were better than I ever could have expected; no more double chin, nice smooth jaw line. My daughter’s teacher told me that I look 10 years younger!


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