Choosing the Right Treatment for Hair Loss

Jul 1, 2021

The fall season often marks a difficult period of time for those who suffer from male pattern baldness. Unfortunately, the otherwise-cheery season is known by many sufferers as a time when the most hair is shed and lost seasonally. For men with male pattern baldness, watching their hair fall out, even when it is typical of the season, can be devastating.

For men seeking treatment to their hair loss problem, options are limited. Minoxidil, a topical ointment applied daily, or finasteride, an oral medication, are the only FDA-approved alternatives to surgery. Often men first choose what is the more conservative option, finasteride, as it boasts stronger results than minoxidil and is less intensive than surgery.

What is involved in a PRP treatment for hair?

The Most Effective Hair Loss Drug

Finasteride works by blocking an enzyme that allows testosterone to change into the hormone DHT that causes hair follicles to shrink. By limiting production of DHT, this medication provides hair growth that surpasses the results of topical medications, like minoxidil, by eliminating hair loss in the first place.

However, like any medication, some people may not be suitable candidates for finasteride. Some rare side effects could develop for patients who have certain preexisting mental health concerns or a strong family medical history of prostrate cancer. For anyone considering this medication, it is important to be aware of your medical history, discuss it with your doctor, and make an informed decision.

Alternatives to Medication

If finasteride is not an optimal choice for you, it may be time to consider the impressive and permanent solution to hair loss, the ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant.

With fast recovery, no scars or stitches, and less pain than traditional hair transplants, ARTAS Hair has become a more realistic and exciting option for people who want to have a full head of hair without a lifelong prescription. Using state of the art robotic technology, ARTAS Hair intelligently achieves a natural look by using robotic precision to eliminate the factor of human error present in other hair transplant techniques. Results of this method begin to be visible about six months after the surgery and continue to improve as hair grows over time. Since ARTAS uses a follicular unit extraction method (FUE), there are no incisions, and smaller scars, so patients are able to wear their hair short even after the grafts have grown in.

While many people consider medication as the first line of defense for hair loss, some find that jumping into surgery provides the best results overall. If you are interested in finally having a full head of hair, call us today at (614) 890-5565 to discuss whether an ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant or medication is right for you. Our friendly staff is excited to help you during your journey to a full head of hair.